AWITO 2 Coming Soon AWITO 2 Coming Soon
A Wave in the Ocean
A Wave in the Ocean Aotearoa Pop Up Film Intensive
It struck me, that the conditions in which I was given a true opportunity to be a filmmaker are not available today and have never been in Aotearoa. In 1981 I was lucky enough to attend film school in Australia where everyone was not only paid a stipend, but we were able to make short films with budgets supplied by the school as well as meet and be together with like-minded students some of whom I’m still close to. In my experience the true learning happened on projects and between peers. This moment feels like a time to give back and I am incredibly grateful that Netflix has chosen to fully support this Pop Up Film Intensive which I characterise as A WAVE IN THE OCEAN. - Jane Campion

The Film Intensive is a place of learning for emerging film director/writers, as well as an experience, and an experiment devoted to a deep connection to self and to material. It is based on the belief that each of us filmmakers has a sacred psyche that dreams to express itself poetically, humorously, dramatically through visual storytelling.
We want to create a space where risk and ambition are playmates, honoured and respected. A place where curiosity and inquiry is never ending and persistence and hard work shape intuition and outcomes.

There are 6 Places in the 2025 AWITO 2 course.
It is a fulltime commitment in Wellington for 15 weeks.
Projected dates are April to June 2025.
A living allowance will be provided for all students.

The course focuses on WRITING/DIRECTING SKILLS. It is designed for self-starting Post grad level applicants with life experience and proof of energy and ambition i.e. things you have made like short films, published short stories or professional theatre directing will be required.

Applications will include one or two short film ideas of max 1 page each. The intention is that you will go on to develop, write and make one of these ideas as a short film during the course.

Nothing to do for now, more information on how to apply will be available here on the 18th of September.
Founding Sponsor Netflix, NZFC, UNESCO, Acclime, Wrestler
Copyright © 2024
A Wave in the Ocean Ltd.